DLG award for Peter Herres Sektkellerei For many years, Peter Herres Wein- und Sektkellerei GmbH has successfully participated in DLG quality tests. The numerous awards are the impressive proof of our competitiveness and document our sustainable quality work.
At the 24th Berlin Wine Trophy 2020, the two quality sparkling wines Herres German Riesling extra dry and Chardonnay-Riesling extra dry received a silver medal.
The quality sparkling cocktails available in Bitter Lemon and Tonic come low in alcohol with 4% vol. and are the latest innovation on the market of wine based beverages. Herry’s serves the trend of tart and fruity bitter drinks.
The quality sparkling wine cocktail range Jive is extended by the flavor “raspberry”. The RTD cocktail is as fizzy as a quality sparkling wine and distinguishes itself by its special fruity taste of raspberries.